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December 20, 2020 4 min read

A lot of us have some strange wedding ceremonies and receptions to contend with. We have all witnessed something odd, whether our parents are remarrying, a sibling getting married, or maybe a friend or a colleague. 

There are several customs, however, which in some countries are straight-up bizarre. Here are some of the weirdest wedding traditions woodflowers.com find here:

·       Beating the groom's feet- Korean tradition:

The groom's friends take his shoes and socks off after the main wedding ceremony in Korea while also tying a rope around his ankles. He then beat his feet' soles with a dried yellow corvine, a yellow fish, intended before the first wedding night to make the groom stronger. 

If the groom smiles a lot during the wedding ceremony, it is also assumed that his first child will be a daughter.

·       Grooms "buy out the bride"-Russian tradition:

In Russia, before getting to the bride, grooms have to conquer a veritable gauntlet. A gaggle of troublemaking bridesmaids intercepts the groom at the door of the bride's house, who orders him to go through multiple challenges before entering.

He'll be forced to sing, dance, recite poetry, and occasionally he'll have to pay a ransom or end up with an alternate-bride that usually is a male friend. Once he gets enough candy and money from the hordes, he eventually gets keys to the house and can now marry his chosen one.

·       Few weird Chinese traditions:

The Chinese have several customs of marriage that seems a little "odd" to us. For instance: 

  • The bride must spend an hour a day crying 30 days before the wedding day, and she is joined by her mother and grandmother to weep with her. It sounds a little weird, we know, but what it's supposed to suggest is deep joy and affection for a future husband. 
  • Within the Yugur community of China, grooms shoot their brides with a bow and arrow, minus the arrowheads, a total of three times on the wedding day and then splits the arrows in half. It symbolizes the ever remaining love between them. 
  • In China, the bride and groom cut open a chick to decide their wedding day.
  • Engaged couples have been trying for generations to check out the best day to hold their nuptials. 
  • In one Chinese tradition, the bride and groom gleefully cut into a baby chick and inspect her liver. They can safely choose a date if the liver looks healthy. They have to try again tomorrow if the liver looks unhealthy. 

·        "The Lasso"-A Mexican tradition:

In Spanish, Filipino, and Mexican societies, a wedding lasso rosary called el Lazo has long been a tradition. Wedding witnesses tie the unwieldy rope around the groom and bride's shoulders right after vows are exchanged, binding it to number 8 that is an infinity symbol. 

·        Blacken the bride- Scotland tradition:

There is an age-old wedding custom up there in the highlands of Scotland that literally puts the bride and groom in a sticky situation. Guests throw a mixture of flour, soot, and treacle over the happy couple to ward off all evil spirits that have the potential to ruin their marriage. These all are part of the Blackening of the bride ritual. 

However, it is carried out to test the bride as it is thought that if she can endure the Blackening on her big day, she can cope with what marriage has in store for her!

·        Forbidden bathroom-Northern Borneo tradition:

The Tidong tribes in northern Borneo, possibly one of the weirdest traditions on this list, forbid newlyweds from using the bathroom for three days and three nights after their wedding ceremony. It is believed that if the couple uses the bathroom for the toilet or to wash, they will have bad luck, and their marriage will be doomed.

As a result, during those three days, it is a strict rule that the happy couple receives the minimum amount of food and drink.

·        La soup - French tradition:

The groom and bride are sent to their bedroom following the wedding reception while the bridal party cleans up. This "cleaning up" simply involves putting into a chamber pot all the leftover food and drink. 

Then the bridal party walks into the couple's bedroom with a toilet full of this food and drink for the bride and groom to drink, without leaving until all the content is consumed.

While the couple is given chocolate and champagne today, both are still served in a toilet, thought to provide them with both the strength as a married couple to withstand their first night.

·        Floral paradise - Indian tradition:

The groom must take his shoes off in parts of India before he approaches the wedding to change and chaos happens as soon as he does this! As the bride's family attempts to steal them, everyone on the groom's side is expected to safeguard the shoes.

Weddings in India also incorporate many floral attributes, with a floral headpiece sporting both the bride and groom. Meanwhile, to protect them from evil spirits, the groom's brother sprinkles them both with flower petals.

·        Slaughtering a cow - South African tradition: 

The Zulu people in South Africa, who live in KwaZulu-Natal, are well known for their strange wedding traditions. The bride changes her clothes three times during the wedding ceremony to impress her in-laws while wearing a red headdress made from her mother's hair.

Dancing and singing are must parts of their wedding ceremony itself. Still, the entire party goes to the groom's home after the celebrations, where a cow is slaughtered as a sign of welcoming the bride into her family. However, only when she puts money into the cow's stomach does the bride become an official member of the new family.


We can bet you are thinking that the western way of wearing a white dress and having your first dance is a bit boring now. You have much more to add to your wedding celebrations now to make it more unique, or you may say weird. 

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