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December 14, 2020 5 min read

"Nothing brings people close like food, and nothing makes love between them like flowers."

It's not just the food that matters to us when we dine, but also the environment and the aura of space. It might also influence our appetite. Even setting up and setting up the table would have a great impact on our dining experience. If a well-presented dining table welcomes us, we feel it so special. Therefore by adding beautiful flowers, floral centerpieces and creating a floral tablescape or using pretty dinnerware makes the dining experience amazing.

Most often, as a centerpiece for a dining table, we can see flowers. But with no creative approach to it, we don't just gather them and add them to the vase. Today, woodflowers.com will show you different ways to make your dining table use flower centrepieces. This list will appeal to you only if you are a DIY - lover!

If you're going to have a genuinely incredible centrepiece and not a distraction from the main event, you need to put some thought into the flowers of your dining table. For the occasion, here's how to choose the perfect centrepiece and a few ideas to tie your flowers to your overall theme of the party.

Tips for an impressive food table floral arrangement:

Things to consider before you start thinking arrangement:

You must stop and think about the party you are throwing before choosing the perfect floral centrepiece.

For instance: 

  • What is the venue? 
  • What does your table look like? 
  • How many visitors will you have? 
  • Do any guests have floral allergies that they actively hate? 
  • What meal are you going to have? 
  • What is your party's vibe or aesthetic that you want to have? 

These are just a few questions that will change your options for arrangements dramatically. Before you spring for that gorgeous centrepiece, here are a few common factors to keep in mind.

Height of your floral arrangement

The height of your floral arrangement is the first factor, and one of the most significant.

You want to attract attention pleasantly with your floral arrangement, but you also want to have a conversation with the individual sitting across from you, not the flowers.

This is why at the dining table, eye-level centrepieces are a no-go.

Look for arrangements that are either low to the table or above eye-level to avoid blocking your line of sight. For most parties, low centrepieces are a good fit, as above-eye-level agreements are more ostentatious and more suited to formal parties.

Table shape and capacity

From there, the flowers are not your next biggest consideration for your arrangement, but the table itself - the shape and seating capacity of the table, specifically.

Most individuals have rectangular tables, which means that you have to account for sightlines across the short and long ends of the table. Usually, rectangular tables are larger and have a higher seating capacity, meaning you may have room for more extensive arrangements for statements. 

Smaller tables are more crowded with dinner party accessories, especially circular or square tables (food, utensils, place cards, water pitchers, glasses, etc.). Stick with smaller arrangements as accent pieces for smaller or crowded tables, and save statement arrangements for your side tables.

The fragrance is not actually the requirement

Choosing flowers for a dinner party, unlike many other occasions, means you have multiple smells to contend with. The event's focus at a dinner party is not the flowers, but the food, which means you don't want the flowers' scent to compete or conflict with the food's smell. 

Generally, sticking with flowers that do not have a strong aroma is your safest bet for dinner parties. If you want a flower with a distinctive aroma, be careful to choose a fragrance that pairs nicely with the meal you have chosen. In this situation, sola wood flowers are also a good option having no fragrance. These blooms provide beautiful aesthetics to the venue without adding unnecessary fragrances to the environment.

Match the meal

This is where our final tip comes into play: match your flowers, both aromatically and thematically, to your meal. 

This is the fun part of choosing a floral arrangement for a party. By paying attention to the smallest details, it's the moment when you get to make your party special, your opportunity to impress your guest with your hosting talents. Thinking about the cuisine, you're going to serve the best place to start. This will generally set the tone for the type of party you host, altering the aesthetically and aromatically suitable flowers. 

To appeal to your guest, here are some flowers centrepeice concepts:

1.    White floral centerpieces for dining tables

We all love white in every shape, don't you? 

Well, White is always the best option to chppse. White is a symbol of purity and gives any decor or setting, especially dining tables and elegance loads. Floral arrangements look anything but kitschy in white and are loved by everyone. White floral centrepieces help bring grace and soft allure of nature to the table settings without much effort. Make a simple arrangement of hydrangeas or white lilies will do the job just fine in a glass bowl. 

2.    Stunning dining table flower arrangements with twine

Create a whimsical aura with twine as an element that accompanies your floral centrepiece. Twine is a natural element, particularly flowers, that goes well with any tablescape and centrepiece. You can do a range of things with twine and flowers, such as wrapping the twine around a glass vase and then filling it with fresh flowers. You can arrange a bunch of thick branches for a more rustic look, mix them with flowers and leaves, and then tie them up with twine. 

This kind of floral centrepiece can work wonders for your spring dining table as it looks refreshing and enjoyable to the eyes. You can also place candles for a more tapered look.

3.    Wonderful flower candle centerpieces

To let romance spread its flair on a tablescape, the soft, glimmering glow of candles is enough. When you blend flowers into it, its charm doubles. Yes, on any table setting, flowers and candles gel wonderfully to create magic.

You can arrange and complement any type of flowers, such as roses, lilies, pansies, or peonies, with candles of any kind. As you wish, these can be small, short, tall, or pillars. Not only can candle and floral arrangements are used for dressing festive tables, but for regular dining purposes as well.

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