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March 14, 2020 2 min read

So, you are one of the guests at your best friend's wedding, and you want to look fancy and look like you belong to the occasion. People who have been to many weddings before might already know the drill of how to dress up. However, things are changing every year, so you might want to check our list before buying a new dress or suit. If you avoid wearing the things that we list below, we are sure that you will look even more spectacular than sola wood wedding flowers (which is a hard thing to do!).

Don't Wear White

This rule especially applies to women. No matter how much you love that white dress of yours, leave it at home unless you are the bride. Believe us – you don't want that awkward encounter with guests from the groom's side who confuse you with the bride. And you also don't want to steal the thunder from your friend who is getting married to the love of her life.

Don't Be Too Casual

As informal the wedding might be, it will always be more formal than jeans, flip-flops, t-shirts, and shorts. We understand that weddings during the summer day might be extremely hot, but if the groom can handle it, so can you. Just think about it this way – the wedding is probably the biggest day of somebody's life, so dress up nicely to respect them. After all, the couple is not buying cheap flowers to adorn their wedding but instead opt for beautiful wooden wedding bouquets and roses. They are also not going to buy a cake from the local supermarket but will order a delicious wedding cake with many different layers and decorations. So, step up to the occasion and leave all the casual clothes at your wardrobe.

Respect the Dress Code

You are lucky if the couple states the dress code at their wedding invitations. Why? Because you will not need to think about what is appropriate and what is not. All you need to do is follow the rules of the dress code and improvise within those rules. However, if the couple gives a very vague or no dress code, you have to adapt and evaluate the situation yourself. If you are not sure, a classic blue navy suit for a man and a cocktail dress for a woman should do just fine. If you like to look even fancier, guys might want to wear a tuxedo while girls can always take an opportunity to try jump into a ballgown. Just be careful not to stand out from the crowd too much. If it is an eco-friendly wedding in your friend's backyard, you might want to leave that tuxedo at home.

Respect the Elders

As a blossoming sola wood wedding flower, you might want to look sexy and wonderful. However, remember that were will most likely be some older guests at the wedding, so you want to respect them, cover your cleavage, and maybe even shoulders if the wedding ceremony is at a holy place. People will never judge you for modesty, but if you dress up too sexy, you might also prepare to have an awkward conversation with the groom's grandmother.

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